INTERNATIONAL FATHERS RIGHTS FOUNDATION (IFRO) is a 18-year-old company representing fathers who have been released from prisons, veterans, homeless men and their rights. We provide legal advice, help pay for attorneys, and arrange speaking engagements for these fathers. IFRO serves globally.


IFRO was founded with the goal of connecting social organizations within the community. At IFRO, we provide the first line of support and development for families.

Our main objective is to provide support systems and provide the help needed. These systems are tailored to the family’s needs and the father’s participation within the family is seen as a productive and positive influence.


Our Programs

Identification of communities is at the heart of our development programs. It also includes developing communication between community resource organizations (civic and social) and social service programs.

We provide precise and direct access to programs, such as health insurance and health care. These programs increase the success related to obtaining services such as case management for fathers and their families. We provide the necessary paperwork and documentation to enable you to easy access these programs.

Case Management Services

We provide a place, where the evaluation of needs and concerns can be addressed and delivered. We offer case-management services to identify and develop the family’s goals (short and long-term). Development of case management services provides positive reinforcement of accomplishments, which would help in maintaining the family-bond, and becoming an integral part of the community.

We develop a support group meeting for fathers, who support their households and express needs, concerns, and positive relationships with their families. The support groups are designed to provide a forum for fathers to express their ideas and concerns.

Other Programs

We structure, develop, and produce programs.


  • Positive parenting skills training.
  • Life skills training.
  • Job and educational needs.
  • Job training.
  • Seminars to expand educational training.

These programs get the support for training with the help of local educational programs, schools, and local businesses, and provide an increase in employment basis.

Family Law

Family law consists of a body of statute and case precedents that govern the legal responsibilities between individuals who share a domestic connection. These cases usually involve parties, who are related by blood or marriage. But, family Law can affect distant or casual relationships as well.

Due to the emotionally-charged nature of most family law cases, litigants are strongly advised to retain legal counsel.


Future Planning

Our goal is to develop a ‘Hope House’. Fathers who were recently released from prison need to have specialized support to maintain a family relationship. The Hope House will focus on the development of self-sufficiency for released inmates and help them become an economically and financially viable part of the community.

Hope House development strives to provide a positive influence on their children and develops a supervised visitation program for fathers and their children.